I know, learning sales and persuasion skills from a snake seems ridiculous, but just you wait and see!
That snake had someserious“sales chops”.
Onward.Ok, where was I, oh yeah, so the snake represents shrewdness.
A must have skill if you want to open the minds and wallets of your prospects.
Let’s take a look at that word, eh?
Ok, so I have the online dictionary open and, ahh...bingo!
There it is.Lookie here:
To be tricky, sharp-witted, wily, crafty, perceptive, discriminating, sly, and cunning.
Hmm,it’s not really the advice being taught at sales seminars, is it?
And that’s the reason why so many salespeople absolutely suck at selling.
Look, I know some of those words seem a little on the unethical side, but if it’s good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me.
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves here.
Let’s now look at the word:
It means:wholesome, irreproachable, guilt-free, in the clear, slime free, pure as the driven snow.
Ahh, now that balances the ol’ ledger, doesn’t it?
Jesus is saying, be cunning, but also make damn sure you’re selling a righteous product or service.
Behold an excellent observation:
Often, it’s the stone-cold-liars and low-life-scumbag salesmen that are shrewder than the ethical and moral salespeople.
The problem?
There are far too many righteous bird-brained salespeople who couldn’t sell a banana to a hungry monkey.